Tuesday, September 24, 2013


When you experience setbacks in life's outcome... remember that is only temporary..! You will be hurt, it will probably put you down you will probably cry/set you back so far that you can even see the edge of the next turn... But you must remember that this road is a simple straight road, we deviate and take tuns and get off track.

Just make sure you use the 80, 20 rule... Complain 20% and seek 80% of strength to get up and visualize your success, until even thinking about 20% of the time seems too tiring to complain, then you will find giving it all 100% to your success. The way you must see it, is just a pause before the grand finale.. You have MASTER your pain..,!

You have lived your life through the HURT - Who said that life was easy...! You are used to it, remember...! Thing about it..!, then you will realize that you have discipline yourself to succeed because you are still alive, you have another chance in life to proof of what you are made of, again, again and again... an opportunity to lean from your mistakes to take the good and leave back the useful, is time to adopt and change new ways...! To make yourself not find yourself...

See we all have a PHD and that is or called LIFE..! Be grateful and thank God for your life and for giving you the strength to be here now, reading this and thinking about an other opportunity to be humble bow your head and charge through walls.! Now get up and smile...!

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